Our week started off great. We one the pub quiz at the hostel, first prize being a free night at our sister hostel in Cotopaxi. I was super stoked. I had been there the week before just after Ben left. It is amazing there! It is out in the county completely isolated. There is no wifi, electricity only in certain areas of the property so candle light is the way to go, a hot tub, llamaw, a horse, three dogs, a cat, waterfall hikes, bike rides, horseback riding, volcano treks, endless miles of green country side with a spectacular back drop of the active volcanoes. There are 9 of them, Cotopaxi being the tallest (active volcano in the world).
Sarah (another bartender from Mancora) was meeting us in Qujto the next morning so when she arrived she hopped on the shuttle and came with us to Cotopaxi.
Alejandro - one of the volunteers from Quito was transfered there for a week to help out - led the hike. It was only about 45 minutes to get there, and not really difficult but we did have to scale a low wall at one point which wasnt my favourite part. It may have been low; but low or high its all the same to my disagreement with heights...of course I made it (with help). Then just before the water fall there was a 7 meter drop into xthe lower waterfall. This wasnt in the description I thought...but again (with help) I made it. However, I was covered in mud - the only one covered in mud - because I have to left feet and use all fours to get up and down quite a bit....how I was a trained dancer for all those years is beyond me.
The rest of the time we relaxed, listened to music, read, snuggled with the dogs, drank wine, enjoyed the hot tub and took advantage of the hammocks which have an amazing view.
Me and Quique (one of the guys staying at the hostel), went to the equator. I know I have already been, but I lost all my photos when my camera got stolen and I wanted pictures. We decided to go to the other (first/fake) equator first and then walk over to the other one (the one I had been to).
Instead of a hiring a taxi we took the bus...heaps cheaper...only a total of $0.90 there and back. It was an hour and a half, but made for the adventure...especially when the bus decided to take off when I had one foot on the platform and the other hanging out of the door...even after I yelled WAIT it didnt stop...got to love the safety in South America.
We had an absolute blast at the (fake) equator. It is so different then the apparantly real one - it is said that is not on the real equator. The place is like a theme park, restaurants, shops, dancers, theatres and of course the huge monument that marks the equator line.
For two hours we just took pictures, we sat down on the ground in front of the monument and just did handstands, cartwheels, took photos for others in between...it was a blast. At one point, Quique squatted to make a funny pose when a loud popping sound happened; it almost sounded like an air tight bottle of pop had just been opened. He looked at me with dread in his eyes "shit! That was the sound of my pants and Im not wearing any underwear, they are in the laundry.." - which we had dropped ofd before leaving. I laughed so hard...it was one of the highlights of my day and for once it wasnt one of my misfortunes. I told him it was good to let his balls breathe once in awhile anyways.
It rained on the bus ride back and it didnt help that we got dropped off at the other end of the city...me in shorts...and had about an hour walk ahead of us. We were lucky to have a young Equadorian guy lead the way for us...he was really sweet and super stoked when he found out I was from Canada, "Whistler?" was all he asked me. After walking about 10 minutes, Quique and I decided to get a cab as I was freezing - it had been hot when we left so I was in shorts - but it wasnt that easy to get one. A lot of times they just wave their finger at you and drive past...annoying as...so we just kept walking the streets, streets that werent so ... nice? "Ummm, all the men are staring at me, even the old ones," I said. "Just keep walking, we will go right where that car turned." What a difference a street makes, we were instantly in a better area and got a taxi back with a driver who didnt believe we were just friends, that we must be lovers "not now, but possibly later tonight," was Quiques reply (in Spanish). It was honestly such a great day, probably one of the most fun times I have had in awhile, I think because it was so random, so unplanned so their were no expectations so really nothing could go wrong.
Ben showed up for the weekend. I was so happy to see him, I had really missed him and was quick to push him into a corner and talk his ear off for half an hour. He loved it. I was angry at him however as I had already said goodbye to him and didnt want to do it again. "Dont cry Emmie" he said as he gave me a hug. "I dont want to waste my tears on you anyways." I said...and no I didnt cry when he walked away.
The girls left the next daylater, I was sad. I didnt want to say goodbye to them again...it was so great having them in Qutio. Plus I was a little jealous that they were going together, I wanted to go with them, but my gust is not going that way so we did the I love yous, hugs and kisses and they were gone. Though, my mate Grant, from back home was in Quito for the night. I hadnt seen him in about a year and a half so having him there the day they left really helped and it was totally rad having a familiar face from back home.
By mid week two of my boys from Mancora were passing through (the Batcherlors - that is their last name) for a night so I got to catch up with them. It was pub quiz night, though this time I wasnt the winning team. I really didnt care, it was just so nice catching up with them.
They were the last of my Mancora crew to head off. Its a litte sad actually, there was such a big crew of us that it was great running into everyone a long the way...now their gusts have taken them to Colombia and I am still in Quito. I do really like Quito, I like the hostel and the friends I have made, plus I am tutoring English which I enjoy. I am tutoring one of the chefs and her son. They live next door to the hostel so the location is perfect and they have two little kittens, they can fit into the palm of my hand. My favourite is Jack, he is all black and he climbs up my leg and curls up in my lap while I am tutoring. Oh...and excitement...when I arrived at my last session she gave me an apple, my first teachers apple!! I dont know if she knew the significance behind it or was just giving me a snack but I didnt care...I got a teachers apple!!!
Im hoping to get a few more students in the next few weeks so I can make some money and move on to the next place. For now, I am here, quite content and enjoying my time and I am on a transfer for the weekend at our Cotopaxi for 5 days....ahhh, country life.
- My Beautiful Life -