Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A "Special" Horse, Altitude and Skeletons in the Streets.

My week at Cotopaxi was awesome... I have no complaints... well except that I was exhausted by the time I got back and the altitude really affected me.  I knew there were wide affects but it was like my Misti Attempt excwpt I wasnt attempting anything.  I had a bad head from the altitude and the pressure from the overcast sky so I fought a migraine for my first day and a half. My head felt like a bowling ball making me want to roll it down an alley into a full set of 10 pins hoping to relieve some of the pain...even hitting it against a wall seemed like an attractive option, it made it so hard for me to function and help with guests so I just stuck to the basics; setting up for meals, cleani g up after meals, serving snacks, taking afternoon naps with Mash - one of the hostel Daschunds- and relaxing in the hot tub...like I said, the basics.

By the third day I was feeling heaps better, my head was still a bit wonky but I didnt feel like going bowling with it anymore.  This meant I could start enjoying the day trips Cotopaxi had to offer.

Horseback riding!!!

You all know how clumsy I am an that I have two left feet so me riding  on a four legged creature three times the size of me isnt that elegant....and I had the smallest one.

Her name was Freaka...and a freak she was.  She was like your average woman, idnt like taking commands and did things her own way.  She zigzagged up the cobblestone streets cuttin everyone off, she didnt want to trott, infact she didnt want to do anything at all.  Great, I have Forest Gumps horse.  Of course I have the "special horse"...the horse thatt the otherhorses dont want to play with.  Which seemed to be the case as the guys were out of eyesight now.   "Vamos Freaka, vamos."  Nada.  I have a har enouh time keeping up during treks,  I thought being on a horse would keep me up with the crowd...if ony I was so lucky.   Freaka decided she wasnt going any further and turned around.  "No Freaka...the othr way..vamos."   She wasnt listening and I was starting to get a little nervous.  Thankfully, the gide came to my rescue (and not for the last time that day) offering me his horse.  Bad mistake!  

This horse was crazy.  It was throwing its head from side to side, up and down and turnn  around in circles.  "Dispacio, dispacio"  said the guide.  "Im not doing anything."  Then, I hear a loud cracking sound and the horse takes off at full speed with me clutching on for dear life.   I was screaming,   was terrified, I hadnt been fitted for this saddle or stirrups which meant with every galloping step I slid from side to side while one of my feet flew out to the side.

I switched back to Freaka...this time I had more confidence and faith in her.  Again I heard a loud snaappoing sound and she was off lke a bat out of hell.  "Diiiiispaaaaaciiiiiiooooooo!"   I yelled begging her to slow down which she did when we fnally caught up to the guys.   She actually kept up quite well, she trotted along happily and when she herd the boys speed up she would to.  I constantly soke to her in Spanish and petted   her which really helped our relationship or at least it did until the boys got further ahead again.  She had an attitude of "well, if they are going to go ahead of me lke this then i am going to take my sweetass time."   Ughh what a girl.     Though things changed  when we got to the grass.

Wind blowing through my hair, miles of fielded landscape, a perfect view of Cotopaxi, the sun shining, calls of "yeeha a" and "woohoo" from the boys ringing through the air as we galloped at full speed through the hills.  It was absolutely amazing, and what a feeling of freedom you get riding a  horse....abolutely exhilerating.   We stoped for a snack and a rest. I was a bit stiff, my knees were slightly turned in makin me a little bowlegged and akward to walk but I made it to the view point   and enjoyed the endless miles of field that met with a perfect backdrop of Cotopaxi.

The boys and I raced through the field on our way back, Freaka and me of course coming in last...but I guess she was determined to gget a head because when we caught up with  the boys they were aleady stopped but she just kept on going....straight for one of tthe guys and their horse.  I thought she was going to switch directions ...."Emmie!!!! Pull on the reigns.   Pull!!!   I did.  She knocked heads with the other horse and then switched directions.   I was lucky it  wasnt worse, colliding with a horse 2 tiimes the size of my horse was not  something I wanted to experience.

The ride back was alright....once we were on the cobblestone she slowed down again resulting in the guys getting extremely far ahead.   She was going so slow that snails were moving faster.   I tried to get her to move faster but she would stop completely and then shake her head.  "Fine!"  Ughh.  She decided she didnt want to walk on the cobblestone and went ffor the grassy bits on the side....THROUGH TREES!  That were at my height...seriously!!!   I wated to get of and wlk her but she seemed agitated.   I was happy to get back to the hostel and relax....I was  sore and bowlegged but of course feeling great from a fantastic morning.

"Emmie I have 11 people wanting to go t the waterfall can you help me guide it please?"

It wasnt too dificult I was just a little tired.   I led it most of the way..well actually Milo (the hostel dalmation) did.  He runs off ahead an then he sits and waits for everyone, making sure they are all there and accounted for. I didnt do the last  bit  - the part wth the drop into the waterfall - Diego did it, I waited at the bottom with Milo who just hung out with me till everyone headed back down.  What a great dog.

On the way back, in the field next to the hostel driveway were a bunch of llamas.  They all stopped and stared at us.  I was trying to get clos enough t take a photo but they kept walkin away.  I saw Milo out of the corner of m eye "come on Milo!" I yelled and we both took off through the field chasing the llamas. AMAZING!!!  I sleept like a baby that night.

The next morning I was helping guide the Pasachoa volcano tour.   It started off good...nothing special.  Going up throuh the woods was a little difiicult with the altitude but then it leveled out for an hourrr which helped me adjust. One person turned back,  I should have as well going forward was dangerous and stupid and Im lucky I didnt end up worse off then what happened, but I was so determined to make it to the summit because Misti kicked my ass and didnt want that to happen again, but halfway through the hike the altitude really started hitting me.  I looked ahead at the dogs;  Milo, a mile ahead of us with his head sticking out of the grass waiting for us and Mash and Daisy (the daschunds) hoping through the grass like bunnies. Their legs are the length of my foot and there they are hoping around like rabbits...ughhh.  

Everything after that is a bit hazy. I know what happened but the
order of the way things happened is foggy as is the way I remember the landscape...hazy, dark and ominous.

My breathing was fine, it was my head that was the problem.  I was light headedand dizzy and my legs felt like they were 100 pounds.  "You look a little grey are you alright?" "I feel a little grey.  I just need to lie down."  Iremember everyone over me aski g me if I was ok "Im fine, go on ahead, the tour tomorrow will find me."  Someone gave me a sugar candy and o e of the guys linked arms with me to make the walking easier. "I feel like an old lady." "Its ok, I am a gentleman, I help all the ladies up the hill."  From this point on I remember struggling really hard, ,y energy becomi g less and less.  I fought my way to the top only to discover we had to go down and back up.  "I cant do this." I wanted to cry, but we had come to a point where we werent able to turn around. "Yes you can Emmie come on, small steps."  I tried but I was feeling nauceous.  I sat down.  Then I see the cutest face in the world, mash had come back to see if I was ok, but after another minute I had to sit back down.  I was losing my footing and stubbling because I was so light headed and I do t think I was doing anything to help myself, I was really out of it.  Simon took my hand and guided me up with his strength and Rika put her hand on my back to help me from falling and give me some momentum.  "Emmie, you can can sit on my bag and I can pull you up, I have the strength."  I looked at how bumpy it was and new in my condition I wouldnt ha e the strength to hold on. "Its ok Simon Im good to walk." "Ok, but our next resting spot is there." He pointed 10 feet away.  We walked and rested walked and rested.  I knew it was bad when all I wanted to do was sleep...I literally couldnt go any further, but they pushed and pulled me to the top.  Looking back it seems as though they dragged me but I know thats not the case. I got a big clap from everyone else waitig at the summit.  I was my own hero that day and gifted myself with a glass of wine when I got back.  Tje walk back was easier, except coming down I felt better except my vertigo hit then and I slipt in the mud a couple of times do to my lack of balance.  I didnt want anyone to know about my vertigo, I figured my weakness to the altitude was enough.

"Simon, I will be abig part of your journal today." "Haha ya, our Canadian tour guide...for sure."  When we volunteer at Cotopaxi we have to do the waterfall hike and Pasachoa. It was my first time doing Pasachoa and my last...Diego has no problems doing it and he was with us.  Unfortunately altitude will hinder me from doing things.  It was a horrible feeling, it was almost like having no control over my body but almost not caring.  There are a few more I want to maybe trybut I will have to prepare and if I cant do it turn around as altitude sickness can be extremely dangerous.

I didnt feel well that night.  I had a bad headache and could barely eat dinner. I felt fantastic the next day but then my breathing got bad that night to the point I almost couldnt breathbut it was my day to head back to Quito.  I almost cried saying goodbye to my little Mash (Potato) I wanted to take him with me.  i loved having pets around and being a cat person I didnt realize how fun dogs were...Mum I want a dog!

I was back in time for Halloween, which also was the same time as Day of the Dead. The  crazy sugar skull makeup and parties in the city was insane and the first night I had partied in months. You know it was a good night when it is a full hostel and only 10 guests make it for breakfast...seriously, I was hurting.  Day of the Dead is huge here, even the next day walking through the market in the park there were people walking around with their faces painted and some sort of zombie movie being filmed.

The adventures here are not ending, the next few days are filled with treks, kayaking, markets and well...you will have to wait.

                                                                                   -My Beautiful Life-

A hero on the summit

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